Analysis of Correlation Between Mortgage Rates and Treasury Bond Rates
Check out our code here!

With our first three data science projects in hand, we were ready to take the next step in our data science careers. As a result, we met with a local financial firm called Marshall Financial Group, based in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. After an initial meeting with the main advisors of the group detailing our current financial knowledge, we received an offer from the company to help assist them with financial correlations that they might be able to use with their company. We were hired to determine how the interest rates for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage might correlate to the 10-year Treasury Bond rates. After determining whether they were related, we also determined how delayed the changes would be if one changed. We were able to report our findings to the group after a long and hard few months of analysis.
Want to check out our code? The link to the workbook is at the top of the post!